425 NE 4th Ave, Camas WA

4315B S. Settler Dr, Ridgefield WA

Did you Know?

Juxtaposition offers complimentary in-home or in-store design services. Let us help you with your home furnishings, art, decor, drapery and area rugs!

Meet with one of our Design Team at the store or in your home today.



Chips & Salsa

Saturday, May 4th

Join us on Saturday, May 4th, and get Ready for Cinco de Mayo! Enjoy complimentary chips & salsa while you shop at our Ridgefield and Camas locations. Save 15% on all barware, including just-arrived Margarita Glasses!

In Camas - join us for live demonstrations from Nuestra Mesa at 11:30 & 3:00 PM to learn how to mix the perfect Mesa-style margarita. Attendees receive a recipe card and a coupon for free chips & salsa at Nuestra Mesa!